2013 Scholarship - 10th year

Congratulations to Austyn Coy, the tenth recipient of the 
Logan Jacob Satterly Memorial Scholarship.  

Mr. Jack Satterly, Logan's father, attended the 10th anniversary of the annual scholarship to present the $1,000 scholarship to Austyn Coy on May 14, 2013 at the Apollo High School Band Banquet.

Austyn has performed four years in the Apollo High School Marching Band and Apollo Concert Band, and two years in the Apollo Jazz Band and School Musical Pit Ensemble. She has earned multiple distinguished solo and ensemble ratings and was section leader her junior and senior years.

She was a two year member of the WKU Top Honor band, one year member of the MSU Top Honor band and three year member of the all-district band. During sophomore, junior, and senior years she was awarded most outstanding band member. Her sophomore year she received most improved band member.

Austyn's senior year she received the John Phillip Sousa award and Logan Jacob Satterly Memorial Scholarship.

She will be attending WKU in the Fall of 2013 and Majoring in Music Education.

In other extracurricular activities, she worked at the YMCA as a lifeguard and swim instructor as well as teaching
special needs children to swim. She was also a part of the Apollo Younglife Group and a KOM mentor.

Congratulations Austyn!

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2012 Scholarship - 9th year

Congratulations to Blake Dickens, the ninth recipient of the Logan Jacob Satterly Memorial Scholarship.  

Mr. Jack Satterly, Logan's father, presented the $1,000 scholarship to Blake on May 11, 2012 at the 
Apollo High School Band Banquet.

Blake has performed three years in the Apollo High School Marching Band, four years in the Apollo Concert Band,  and one year in the Apollo Jazz Band. 
Additionally, Blake has appeared on the Apollo High School All-“A” Honor Roll. 

In other extracurricular activities, Joseph has been a member of FFA for three years, and
worked at Mt. St. Joseph for three years.

Blake is enrolled and plans to attend OCTC this fall and plans to pursue certification in welding as well as experience in business courses.

Congratulations Blake!

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2011 Scholarship - 8th year

Congratulations to Joseph Powers, the eighth recipient of the Logan Jacob Satterly Memorial Scholarship.  

Mr. Jack Satterly, Logan's father, presented the $1,000 scholarship to Joseph on May 20, 2011 at the 
Apollo High School Band Banquet.

Joseph has been playing trumpet in band since the 6th grade.   He has earned numerous distinguished ratings at KMEA Solo and Ensemble Festivals.  During high school marching band, he was both trumpet section leader and field commander his junior and senior years respectively, earning a distinguished rating with the Concert band at the state level this year.  Joseph was also the member of numerous All-District Bands and the Western Kentucky University Honor Band.

In other extracurricular activities, Joseph has been a member of the Academic Team since 4th grade, competing in several tournaments over a nine year period. The quick recall team of which he was a member reached quarterfinals at State Governors Cup in the spring.  Aside from school, he has held a part-time job at Taco Bell for a year and a half.  Joseph is also an avid cyclist, riding with the local racing team on a weekly basis.

Joseph will be attending Western Kentucky University in the fall and plans on majoring in Music Education.

Congratulations Joseph!

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2010 Scholarship - 7th year

Congratulations to Joe Stone, the seventh recipient of the Logan Jacob Satterly Memorial Scholarship.  

Mr. Jack Satterly, Logan's father, presented the $1,000 scholarship to Joe on May 13, 2010 at the 
Apollo High School Band Banquet.

Joseph M. Stone has been playing the trumpet for eight years.  During this time, he was chosen to participate in the All-District Band for two years and sat First Chair during his senior year.  He was also chosen for the Western Kentucky Honor Band three years in a row and sat First Chair his senior year.  In February 2010, he was chosen for the Kentucky All-State Band, where he sat First Chair in the Symphonic Band, which honored him as the First Chair Trumpet Player for the State of Kentucky.

Joe was the Field Commander for the Apollo High School Marching Eagles during his senior year and was an active band member throughout high school.  During his junior and senior year he was honored as the Most Outstanding Band Member.

Recently, Joe received the John Philip Sousa Band Award for excellence in instrumental music and conduct and the Logan Jacob Satterly Memorial Scholarship for band.

He has also been involved in the Owensboro Symphony Youth Orchestra for three years and sat Principal Chair during his senior year.

Joe will be attending Western Kentucky University in the fall of 2010 and will be majoring in Music Education.

Congratulations Joe!

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2009 Scholarship - 6th year

Congratulations to Ryan Trunnell, the sixth recipient of the Logan Jacob Satterly Memorial Scholarship.  

Mr. Jack Satterly, Logan's father, presented the $1,000 scholarship to Ryan on May 26, 2009 at the Apollo High School Band Banquet.

Ryan has been an Apollo High School Band member for four years.  Ryan plays snare drum.  In his essay applying for this scholarship, Ryan recalls meeting Logan at College View Middle School.  Ryan was wanting to make a change from trumpet to snare drum.  He recalls Logan providing him with valuable advice.  If he truly aspired to play snare, was to practice often, work hard, and he could play snare.  Ryan finished his high school career a successful snare drum player.  Ryan, his senior year, was section leader, Band Student President, and previously held other band offices his prior three years.  He is also a member of the Apollo FFA.  Ryan will be attending college this fall at Murray State University majoring in Ag Systems Technology and marching in the Murray State Racer Band.

Congratulations Ryan!

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2008 Scholarship - 5th year

Congratulations to Stephanie Lossie, the fifth recipient of the 
Logan Jacob Satterly Memorial Scholarship.  

Mr. Jack Satterly, Logan's father, presented the $1,000 scholarship to Stephanie on May 8, 2008 at the Apollo High School Band Banquet.

Stephanie has been an Apollo High School Band member for four years.  In addition to receiving several distinguished ratings and a member of the All State Band, Stephanie was this year's field co-commander. Stephanie's extra-curricular activities include Church Youth Group for 6 years, Active Beta Club Member for 2 years, Key Club Member for 4 years, Secretary for one year, and Spanish Club Member for 4 years. Stephanie will be attending college this fall at Murray State University majoring in the veterinary sciences and marching in the Murray State Racer Band.

Congratulations Stephanie!

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2007 Scholarship - 4th year

Congratulations to Jessica Lynn, the fourth recipient of the Logan Jacob Satterly Memorial Scholarship.  

Mr. Jack Satterly, Logan's father, presented the $1,000 scholarship to Jessica on May 10, 2007 at the Apollo High School Band Banquet.

Jessica has been an Apollo High School Band member for four years.  In addition to receiving several distinguished ratings and a member of the All State Band, Jessica was this year's field commander.   Jessica will be attending college this fall at the University of Louisville.

Congratulations Jessica!

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2006 Scholarship - 3rd year

Congratulations to Delana Hill, the third recipient of the 
Logan Jacob Satterly Memorial Scholarship.  

Mr. Jack Satterly, Logan's father, presented the $1,000 scholarship to Delana on May 1, 2006 at the 
Apollo High School Band Banquet.

Delana has been an 
Apollo High School Band member for five years.  Her first year as an eight grade student she was a flag runner for the color guard.  She was a color guard member for three years before becoming this year's field commander.   Delana will be attending college this fall at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky.

Congratulations Delana!

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2005 Scholarship - 2nd year

Congratulations to Melanie Pulliam, the second recipient of the 
Logan Jacob Satterly Memorial Scholarship.  

Mr. Jack Satterly, Logan's father, presented the $1,000 scholarship to Melanie on May 2, 2005 at the 
Apollo High School Band Banquet.

Melanie has been an 
Apollo High School Band member for four years.  She has received numerous band awards as well as distinguished ratings in her solo and ensemble performances.  She is also a member of the Apollo Jazz Band.   Her band experiences has taught her not only about music but equally as much about life.  Melanie will attend the University of Louisville this fall.

Congratulations Melanie!

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2004 Scholarship - 1st year

Congratulations to Kristi Keller, the first recipient of the 
Logan Jacob Satterly Memorial Scholarship.

Mr. Jack Satterly, Logan's father, presented the $1,000 scholarship to Kristi on May 15, 2004 at the 
Apollo High School Band Banquet.

Kristi has been a section leader for two years and an 
Apollo High School Band member for four years. In 
addition to her many band activities and awards, 
she has been equally as active in community services. 
She credits her band experiences as a major 
contributing factor to her success. Kristi 
will attend the University of Kentucky this fall.

Congratulations Kristi!

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