Our Senior Class of 2010

Kyla Bray

Jordan Cole

Joy Courtney

Jessica Gillim

Michael Goodlett

Aryanne Leishman

Jessica Steitler

Courtney Robinson

Joseph Stone

Jacob West

Our Past Senior Class of 2009
Barry Adkins
 Zachary Blandford
  Randy Blandford
  Brynna Harley
 Amanda Higdon
 Lee Humphrey
Jacob McGehee
  Rebecca Robertson
Dakota Sutton
Ryan Trunnell
  Jacque Welborn

Our Past Senior Class of 2008
Ryan Baize
 Chelsea Billings
 Justin Boarman
Alyssa Glass
Chris Lee
 Stephanie Lossie
 Olivia McElwain
 Jessica McKindles
 Kelley Morris
Erin Porter
 Whitney Thomas
Tiffany Wedding


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